
Never Settle..

I can't believe it's February...It seems like it was just September and we were anxiously awaiting the school year to start.  The weather went from mild to having that little bite in the air.  The trees growing tired, dropped their leaves to the ground.  Before we knew it the fall holidays were over, Christmas was here and then the new year.
I don't know about you, but it went fast for me.  It seems like the older I get (in years only, not spirit) the faster life passes me by.  I remember when a month was an eternity - now it's merely made up of 4 seemingly short weeks and feels as though if I blink I might miss it.  I've been apprehensive about this year.  Although 2011 has started quite well and I feel better than ever there is a day looming in the distance that I'm quite unsure about.  It's my birthday.  I will be 35.  35... hmm...wow.
I turned 30 without any trouble, it was a nice birthday and thanks to Drew Barrymore, I learned I could call it 20-10 instead of 30 and it seemed better somehow.  The other birthdays have come and gone and now I'm 34 looking at 35 and wondering what to think.
I know they say age is just a number and it's so true.  I don't feel old and I don't feel like I look it either (at least what I thought 35 would look like!).  When I was 17, I remember thinking of 35 as old.  Old as dirt.  Imagining myself had cut off her long locks, threw on a pair of "mom jeans" and the biggest excitement in her life would be the Mr Clean Magic Eraser and how well it removes "even the toughest grime!".  Thank God that isn't reality, although I do really love that dang Magic Eraser - I have made a point of NEVER wearing mom jeans (personally they should be outlawed.. it's just not right, they don't look good on ANYONE!) - as for short hair well I've done that and have since grown it back out - but it should be said that long hair isn't the "be all end all" and while you think it is at 17, it's not.  Hair doesn't define a woman's beauty - and it's easy to see that some of my most beautiful friends have shorter haircuts, so get OVER it already!!!!
I know some people who are celebrating 40 this year and some who are in between.  For some reason 35 feels different.  I decided before the end of 2010 to take a look at myself and figure out why, if age is just a number, my birthday felt like doomsday!  This is what I found.  
I found that it really just comes down to making my life count.  Making each day worth something.  As I would look around, I see these people just going through the motions.  They have schedules, work, kids, sports, etc.  They do it all and then turn around and do it again the next day.  Some of them do it quietly.  Others complain endlessly.  They don't care about themselves anymore.  It shows in their personal appearance.  It shows in the words they choose to spew from their mouths. It can be easy to do, to get wrapped up in the everyday....if you don't take a minute to look around, by the time you remember to look up your life has passed you by.  You have wasted all this time with your eyes down forgetting to appreciate the simplest things around you.
I am a bit self conscious.  I always have been.  I found while taking that look at myself that it's when I'm doing nothing, that I feel the worst.  It is when I find myself stuck in my schedules and everyday life and I don't look up, so focused on looking down - down on myself, down on the ground, down on the situation...then what happens?  Well, I told you before, it was September and then... it was January.
As much as I have the instinct to fight actual aging with force, it really is just a number.  I have taken steps to better myself physically.  It feels amazing.  I don't think I could truly conquer life in all aspects without being physically strong.  Sure, I could enjoy it.  But why settle?  It does more than shape my muscles and outward appearance.  It clears my mind.  All the crud that settles in there from the day to day gets washed away.  It forces me to take time for myself and helps me to feel good about myself.  If I don't take that time, I am not the best person.  I start to resent everything.  You know that you do it too.. you get mad and tired, feel like you are all alone.. (some of my readers ARE doing this all alone with kids on top of that...such amazingly strong women, you know who you are ) - but we do get wrapped up and bogged down... then before we know it our lives have moved on and we are all standing around wondering what happened.
I'm reminded of a friend of mine who has a tattoo that says "Never Settle".  An amazing reminder, wouldn't you say?  It may mean something different to her and others.  For me, it's a reminder to never settle on being less than who I actually am.  
Time does not stop or even slow down for us.  It moves.  Every hour, every minute, every second of every day.  It all moves at the same speed... an hour is always 60 minutes.  60 seconds is always going to equal one minute.  It doesn't change.  But we can.  It's all in how you use those precious moments of the day that count.  Don't just sit still.  Look up.  Appreciate what you have been given.  Savor it.  

Look up my lovelies, don't miss what may be waiting for you~

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Thanks Tera that is just what I needed to read this morning. I have been feeling just like that. I love "never settle". I tell my kids that all the time. I guess its time mom listen to her own advice. Thanks for helping me look up!!!
