Ah, yes.. you have all probably seen my post on Facebook about my kitty, Myste. So props to those who dared to click on this blog, because yes, it's my ode to animals.
I've always been an animal lover. I never really thought of them as "pets". They always seemed like individuals. My first real pet growing up was my cat Daisy. I loved that cat... I remember deciding to be a cat also and spent 2 days crawling around and eating my food from a bowl on the floor. I had thought I wanted to be on a diet of cat food, but after tasting it, opted to stick with human food. Hey, don't judge me eating cat food, I was five and if you are trying to act like you've never tasted pet food, you are lying. And if it wasn't pet food it was something else...(i.e. paste, erasers, chapstick, bugs..etc)
Daisy and I had many journeys together. Most of them existing of me playing outside and her cruising around hunting bugs and mice. She was always so kind to bring me her prize - I tried to play it cool and not be grossed out, not wanting to hurt her little kitty feelings. At night she would go outside, and each night I tried to fool my mom by hiding Daisy under the covers. If we got away with it she would move to the top of my pillow and curl around my head. It was comfortable in every aspect of the word. She lived a very long time, until one day she disappeared. She must have known it was her time and she left to die in peace. I had some other cats after that, loving them as much as I could, but never really feeling what I did with Daisy.
Until Myste.
When we moved to our house here on the beach, we decided shortly after to get a cat. I was at the humane society and saw Myste. She was up for adoption and I just fell in love with her right away. She was gray with a white chest and white paws. She was snugly. I made the decision without telling anyone, bringing home my new kitten paraphernalia to break the news to my family. They were excited and we brought her home a few days later. The humane society had told us that kittens feel more comfortable in an enclosed space. So I constructed one for her in a hall closet. I put a 3 foot board up to keep her safe inside that first night... kind of like a little kitty kennel. I was just falling to sleep when I hear the tiniest meow and clawing. There is Myste the kitten climbing up the bed to come sleep next to me. I couldn't believe it!! I gently pick her up and take her back to kitty kennel, thinking it's what I am supposed to do...you know, what's best and all. I return to bed and sure enough.. 10 minutes later, there she is again. This continues two more times and finally as she was climbing up the bed for the 4th time, I let her stay. She curled up next to me, purring so loudly and this is where she stayed every night for the next 6 years. She liked to be up high and would get crazy and climb the door jambs like a tree. It was hilarious. She liked to talk to birds and sit by the window. She sat with me everyday in the morning while I was having my coffee, and as I mentioned before, she slept next to me every night.
About 3 years ago, we brought Lily, our Golden Retriever home. Yeah, Myste was not thrilled. It's suffice to say she HATED Lily. She looked at us like "seriously.. why?" She would watch Lily chewing on a bone and the look was like "you are DISGUSTING"... :) But after awhile they got used to each other, Lily just wanting to have someone else to play with and Myste clearly just tolerating her. Over the last few months we would actually find them sleeping near one another... yes progress was made in Lily's mind.. but Myste, if she had a caption about her head it would have said "..hey look I'm getting along.." (insert monotone here) haha..
She was normally kind of a moody cat, wanting to snuggle on her terms and letting you know when she was done. Over the last few days she was more snugly than ever.. she was with me every second, rubbing her head on mine and doing that cute thing where cats lay on their backs with their paws up as if to say "look at me, I'm adorable"..
Last night she was doing that.. hanging out in my room with me, meowing and playing, seemingly normal. I walked out ... not 2 minutes later Travis came to tell me she was gone. Poor guy, that couldn't have been an easy job. I was in disbelief. When I went in to see Myste and say goodbye I was sitting on the floor crying. My dog came up and quietly sat next to me, putting her head on my shoulder. It was the best comfort in the world. Amazing.
I think it's the sudden part that feels so awful. It's kind of surreal. And it's very quiet here this morning. At the same time I feel so silly...but I don't care. Call me silly.. I loved her. She wasn't just a "pet".. she was an individual. She was part of our family.
We put her out in Tyler's flower garden, surrounded by flowers and a planter full of flowers on top. I should mention she was buried in style, in a Maurices box, decorated and designed by Tyler, with her favorite blanket and Abby's ode to her, a "Hello Kitty" pencil.
To those who know exactly how I feel...

This is my personal journal of thoughts, intuitions and discernment. A committee of sorts that is the very core of me. This is a VIP tour inside my brain. Enter at your own risk. My name is Tera. I'm in my 30's, a mom of two, I have a life and things I'm accountable for... but I'm still just a girl in spirit. I might be just like you...Welcome to T and the Committee.
Welcome 35 but you may only stay one year...
Well, I made it... the day approached like a villain in the night, but it was inevitable. I was going to age again, there was nothing stopping it. I've been moping around, toeing the ground sheepishly afraid of even looking at my birthday. This has never happened before. When I turned 30, I playfully called it 20-10 and it came and went easily. I transitioned nicely, totally accepting my thirties and even enjoying how incredibly, surprisingly great they were!
The years came and went..it was fine! Then around December I started thinking. No.. let's be realistic, I was analyzing. Just like I always do.. analyze it til it doesn't even make any sense! Analyzing this soon gave way to panic stricken thoughts and memories of youth. Yes, it seemed that 35 was coming. Like an annoying house guest, 35 was coming to visit and stay on March 6th!! So being the deep thinker I am, I started to reflect. Okay, what was so bad about 35? You mean besides the clear slap in the face.. "WHACK, you are not YOUNG anymore, stand up straight..$!%@#!!" No really, that's kind of what is was feeling like... so I started to think and ponder, as I always do - and came up with.......NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea why. Maybe it's that I was positive as a child I would have accepted my first Oscar by now. Perhaps it's that I would also have an array of Grammy's lining my fireplace. Could it be that I would have been a world traveler, living and working in the Peace Corp, making a difference? An artist in a studio apartment in NYC, waiting tables by day, singing in Jazz clubs by night? Yes, these are the plans I had when I was younger - but different turns and decisions brought me to where I am right now. No Oscars, but I have been awarded with two kids that amaze me more everyday and while they aren't gold statues, their hearts are made of it and they are much more fun to hug. No Grammy's, but I still write music and songs - and the best part? So do those kids I mentioned.. and there is no greater honor than listening to Abby sing lyrics she wrote that are so moving it seems impossible to come from someone so young.. or Tyler self-taught on the piano, playing an original composition of his and it's so insanely good, I wish I had the CD to play in my car. This all takes care of the dream of NYC - because this house is full of music on a daily basis - and I DO wait tables HERE!!!! And the fact that I'm driving every which way to their events takes care of the traveler part of my list... I've probably driven around the world a few times altogether. As far as the Peace Corp is concerned.. that is more like Peace Keeper - because the previously mentioned are 11 and almost 15 - so while they get along great most of the time.. there are definitely battles that ensue.
I don't have to like 35.. and I probably won't until I turn 36 - I even look forward to 40 in a way - it almost seems like an accomplishment.. (I'm sure I just heard laughter and a "we'll see"..but hey that's how I feel for now!!)
I guess the point of my ramblings is that dreams do come true.. they just happen in different ways sometimes. No need to feel bad about 35...I am more blessed than I even know, I'm in better physical shape than I was when I turned 30 and my outlook senses that it is just going to get better from here.
It's natural to dream and wish for things.. as long as you don't discredit what you have right in front of you. What I have in front of me is certainly a lot. What do you see in front of you?
As I blow out my forest fire of candles I welcome 35 and all the blessings brought before it...
Live well my lovelies~
The years came and went..it was fine! Then around December I started thinking. No.. let's be realistic, I was analyzing. Just like I always do.. analyze it til it doesn't even make any sense! Analyzing this soon gave way to panic stricken thoughts and memories of youth. Yes, it seemed that 35 was coming. Like an annoying house guest, 35 was coming to visit and stay on March 6th!! So being the deep thinker I am, I started to reflect. Okay, what was so bad about 35? You mean besides the clear slap in the face.. "WHACK, you are not YOUNG anymore, stand up straight..$!%@#!!" No really, that's kind of what is was feeling like... so I started to think and ponder, as I always do - and came up with.......NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea why. Maybe it's that I was positive as a child I would have accepted my first Oscar by now. Perhaps it's that I would also have an array of Grammy's lining my fireplace. Could it be that I would have been a world traveler, living and working in the Peace Corp, making a difference? An artist in a studio apartment in NYC, waiting tables by day, singing in Jazz clubs by night? Yes, these are the plans I had when I was younger - but different turns and decisions brought me to where I am right now. No Oscars, but I have been awarded with two kids that amaze me more everyday and while they aren't gold statues, their hearts are made of it and they are much more fun to hug. No Grammy's, but I still write music and songs - and the best part? So do those kids I mentioned.. and there is no greater honor than listening to Abby sing lyrics she wrote that are so moving it seems impossible to come from someone so young.. or Tyler self-taught on the piano, playing an original composition of his and it's so insanely good, I wish I had the CD to play in my car. This all takes care of the dream of NYC - because this house is full of music on a daily basis - and I DO wait tables HERE!!!! And the fact that I'm driving every which way to their events takes care of the traveler part of my list... I've probably driven around the world a few times altogether. As far as the Peace Corp is concerned.. that is more like Peace Keeper - because the previously mentioned are 11 and almost 15 - so while they get along great most of the time.. there are definitely battles that ensue.
I don't have to like 35.. and I probably won't until I turn 36 - I even look forward to 40 in a way - it almost seems like an accomplishment.. (I'm sure I just heard laughter and a "we'll see"..but hey that's how I feel for now!!)
I guess the point of my ramblings is that dreams do come true.. they just happen in different ways sometimes. No need to feel bad about 35...I am more blessed than I even know, I'm in better physical shape than I was when I turned 30 and my outlook senses that it is just going to get better from here.
It's natural to dream and wish for things.. as long as you don't discredit what you have right in front of you. What I have in front of me is certainly a lot. What do you see in front of you?
As I blow out my forest fire of candles I welcome 35 and all the blessings brought before it...
Live well my lovelies~
Sunshine is sweet
The sun rose today... as it does everyday. But instead of disappearing into the gray blanket of usual sky over the beach, it stayed. Stayed for breakfast, lingered for lunch... and finally said goodnight after dinner, falling behind the horizon - showering any remaining broken clouds in pink, orange and purple. It was almost surreal to have to squint my eyes together to focus, my eyelashes creating a hazy picture in front of me. It was a good day... people came out of the woodwork to go about their daily routines - but something about sunshine helps them do that with a smile. It seems people have a little more tolerance.. perhaps a tad more patience. All due to that wonderfully natural Vitamin D - a rare jewel for those who live along the coast. We often get lost among the mist and sideways rain, a common visitor. There must be a dip in the jet stream somewhere out here where the clouds fall off and like it so much they decide to camp out for days at a time.
Growing up in Central Washington, it is easy to take the sun for granted. I've written before about my summers and that dry heat... days and days full of 90 degree temperatures and enough natural Vitamin D to last the rest of the year. But in this area, the sun shines when it's good and ready and people who plan outdoor weddings and birthday parties are considered among the boldest of risk takers.
Luckily, there isn't a shortage of beauty in this area. Everything is green and lush and the view of the Pacific Ocean is enough to take your breath away. The trees who seem to have souls tower and sway, while the vast wildlife play beneath. The storms that brew off the coast are amazing in themselves and have the ability to remind you just how small and human you are. 30 foot waves are normal.. I mean, we do live at the most dangerous bar in the world.. and come on, if "Cape Disappointment" doesn't clue you in...you are more dense than the marine layer.
So when the sun shines, we all come outside. We make a point of soaking it up, taking walks and standing around in it..letting it wash over our shoulders.. even if the temperature hasn't climbed past 35. Sunshine is sweet. It's rare... we'll take it how we can get it... and we will thank God for the blessing every time.
Here's to sunny days.. my lovelies~
Growing up in Central Washington, it is easy to take the sun for granted. I've written before about my summers and that dry heat... days and days full of 90 degree temperatures and enough natural Vitamin D to last the rest of the year. But in this area, the sun shines when it's good and ready and people who plan outdoor weddings and birthday parties are considered among the boldest of risk takers.
Luckily, there isn't a shortage of beauty in this area. Everything is green and lush and the view of the Pacific Ocean is enough to take your breath away. The trees who seem to have souls tower and sway, while the vast wildlife play beneath. The storms that brew off the coast are amazing in themselves and have the ability to remind you just how small and human you are. 30 foot waves are normal.. I mean, we do live at the most dangerous bar in the world.. and come on, if "Cape Disappointment" doesn't clue you in...you are more dense than the marine layer.
So when the sun shines, we all come outside. We make a point of soaking it up, taking walks and standing around in it..letting it wash over our shoulders.. even if the temperature hasn't climbed past 35. Sunshine is sweet. It's rare... we'll take it how we can get it... and we will thank God for the blessing every time.
Here's to sunny days.. my lovelies~
Never Settle..
I can't believe it's February...It seems like it was just September and we were anxiously awaiting the school year to start. The weather went from mild to having that little bite in the air. The trees growing tired, dropped their leaves to the ground. Before we knew it the fall holidays were over, Christmas was here and then the new year.
I don't know about you, but it went fast for me. It seems like the older I get (in years only, not spirit) the faster life passes me by. I remember when a month was an eternity - now it's merely made up of 4 seemingly short weeks and feels as though if I blink I might miss it. I've been apprehensive about this year. Although 2011 has started quite well and I feel better than ever there is a day looming in the distance that I'm quite unsure about. It's my birthday. I will be 35. 35... hmm...wow.
I turned 30 without any trouble, it was a nice birthday and thanks to Drew Barrymore, I learned I could call it 20-10 instead of 30 and it seemed better somehow. The other birthdays have come and gone and now I'm 34 looking at 35 and wondering what to think.
I know they say age is just a number and it's so true. I don't feel old and I don't feel like I look it either (at least what I thought 35 would look like!). When I was 17, I remember thinking of 35 as old. Old as dirt. Imagining myself had cut off her long locks, threw on a pair of "mom jeans" and the biggest excitement in her life would be the Mr Clean Magic Eraser and how well it removes "even the toughest grime!". Thank God that isn't reality, although I do really love that dang Magic Eraser - I have made a point of NEVER wearing mom jeans (personally they should be outlawed.. it's just not right, they don't look good on ANYONE!) - as for short hair well I've done that and have since grown it back out - but it should be said that long hair isn't the "be all end all" and while you think it is at 17, it's not. Hair doesn't define a woman's beauty - and it's easy to see that some of my most beautiful friends have shorter haircuts, so get OVER it already!!!!
I know some people who are celebrating 40 this year and some who are in between. For some reason 35 feels different. I decided before the end of 2010 to take a look at myself and figure out why, if age is just a number, my birthday felt like doomsday! This is what I found.
I found that it really just comes down to making my life count. Making each day worth something. As I would look around, I see these people just going through the motions. They have schedules, work, kids, sports, etc. They do it all and then turn around and do it again the next day. Some of them do it quietly. Others complain endlessly. They don't care about themselves anymore. It shows in their personal appearance. It shows in the words they choose to spew from their mouths. It can be easy to do, to get wrapped up in the everyday....if you don't take a minute to look around, by the time you remember to look up your life has passed you by. You have wasted all this time with your eyes down forgetting to appreciate the simplest things around you.
I am a bit self conscious. I always have been. I found while taking that look at myself that it's when I'm doing nothing, that I feel the worst. It is when I find myself stuck in my schedules and everyday life and I don't look up, so focused on looking down - down on myself, down on the ground, down on the situation...then what happens? Well, I told you before, it was September and then... it was January.
As much as I have the instinct to fight actual aging with force, it really is just a number. I have taken steps to better myself physically. It feels amazing. I don't think I could truly conquer life in all aspects without being physically strong. Sure, I could enjoy it. But why settle? It does more than shape my muscles and outward appearance. It clears my mind. All the crud that settles in there from the day to day gets washed away. It forces me to take time for myself and helps me to feel good about myself. If I don't take that time, I am not the best person. I start to resent everything. You know that you do it too.. you get mad and tired, feel like you are all alone.. (some of my readers ARE doing this all alone with kids on top of that...such amazingly strong women, you know who you are ) - but we do get wrapped up and bogged down... then before we know it our lives have moved on and we are all standing around wondering what happened.
I'm reminded of a friend of mine who has a tattoo that says "Never Settle". An amazing reminder, wouldn't you say? It may mean something different to her and others. For me, it's a reminder to never settle on being less than who I actually am.
Time does not stop or even slow down for us. It moves. Every hour, every minute, every second of every day. It all moves at the same speed... an hour is always 60 minutes. 60 seconds is always going to equal one minute. It doesn't change. But we can. It's all in how you use those precious moments of the day that count. Don't just sit still. Look up. Appreciate what you have been given. Savor it.
Look up my lovelies, don't miss what may be waiting for you~
I don't know about you, but it went fast for me. It seems like the older I get (in years only, not spirit) the faster life passes me by. I remember when a month was an eternity - now it's merely made up of 4 seemingly short weeks and feels as though if I blink I might miss it. I've been apprehensive about this year. Although 2011 has started quite well and I feel better than ever there is a day looming in the distance that I'm quite unsure about. It's my birthday. I will be 35. 35... hmm...wow.
I turned 30 without any trouble, it was a nice birthday and thanks to Drew Barrymore, I learned I could call it 20-10 instead of 30 and it seemed better somehow. The other birthdays have come and gone and now I'm 34 looking at 35 and wondering what to think.
I know they say age is just a number and it's so true. I don't feel old and I don't feel like I look it either (at least what I thought 35 would look like!). When I was 17, I remember thinking of 35 as old. Old as dirt. Imagining myself had cut off her long locks, threw on a pair of "mom jeans" and the biggest excitement in her life would be the Mr Clean Magic Eraser and how well it removes "even the toughest grime!". Thank God that isn't reality, although I do really love that dang Magic Eraser - I have made a point of NEVER wearing mom jeans (personally they should be outlawed.. it's just not right, they don't look good on ANYONE!) - as for short hair well I've done that and have since grown it back out - but it should be said that long hair isn't the "be all end all" and while you think it is at 17, it's not. Hair doesn't define a woman's beauty - and it's easy to see that some of my most beautiful friends have shorter haircuts, so get OVER it already!!!!
I know some people who are celebrating 40 this year and some who are in between. For some reason 35 feels different. I decided before the end of 2010 to take a look at myself and figure out why, if age is just a number, my birthday felt like doomsday! This is what I found.
I found that it really just comes down to making my life count. Making each day worth something. As I would look around, I see these people just going through the motions. They have schedules, work, kids, sports, etc. They do it all and then turn around and do it again the next day. Some of them do it quietly. Others complain endlessly. They don't care about themselves anymore. It shows in their personal appearance. It shows in the words they choose to spew from their mouths. It can be easy to do, to get wrapped up in the everyday....if you don't take a minute to look around, by the time you remember to look up your life has passed you by. You have wasted all this time with your eyes down forgetting to appreciate the simplest things around you.
I am a bit self conscious. I always have been. I found while taking that look at myself that it's when I'm doing nothing, that I feel the worst. It is when I find myself stuck in my schedules and everyday life and I don't look up, so focused on looking down - down on myself, down on the ground, down on the situation...then what happens? Well, I told you before, it was September and then... it was January.
As much as I have the instinct to fight actual aging with force, it really is just a number. I have taken steps to better myself physically. It feels amazing. I don't think I could truly conquer life in all aspects without being physically strong. Sure, I could enjoy it. But why settle? It does more than shape my muscles and outward appearance. It clears my mind. All the crud that settles in there from the day to day gets washed away. It forces me to take time for myself and helps me to feel good about myself. If I don't take that time, I am not the best person. I start to resent everything. You know that you do it too.. you get mad and tired, feel like you are all alone.. (some of my readers ARE doing this all alone with kids on top of that...such amazingly strong women, you know who you are ) - but we do get wrapped up and bogged down... then before we know it our lives have moved on and we are all standing around wondering what happened.
I'm reminded of a friend of mine who has a tattoo that says "Never Settle". An amazing reminder, wouldn't you say? It may mean something different to her and others. For me, it's a reminder to never settle on being less than who I actually am.
Time does not stop or even slow down for us. It moves. Every hour, every minute, every second of every day. It all moves at the same speed... an hour is always 60 minutes. 60 seconds is always going to equal one minute. It doesn't change. But we can. It's all in how you use those precious moments of the day that count. Don't just sit still. Look up. Appreciate what you have been given. Savor it.
Look up my lovelies, don't miss what may be waiting for you~
Dear Abby
Dear Abby
Hi. It's me, your mom. It's late at night, and I can't sleep. I started to think about you. I started to think about all of the time we have had together so far in this life. You are 11 now. You are growing up so fast - so fast that I am starting to miss you. We have been through so many things - a main event happening when you were 2 and you were diagnosed with epilepsy. No one would know it to look at you, and it's just part of all of the things that make you my Abby.
I miss when you were little and the way you said things. You used to ask me if everything was "working". If the TV was on you would ask "is it working?" Everything from the TV to the hair band holding my pony tail, you wanted to know if it was working. You always said your v's like b's and vice versa. You would put your "glubs on the tavel"(gloves on the table) You called water, "waller." You liked to make up jokes that made no sense. Knock Knock, who's there? Snake. Snake Who? Snake in the Waller (water). You were crazy in a fun way. Tyler was your best friend. You played dress up and house, you watched Dora the Explorer. Your favorite color was red. You never cried. You learned to read very early. You wore Clifford jammies. You had ni-night, your blanket.. ok, you still have "him". We spent all day together most days.. and we have for all this time. Now times are changing.
Now you ask me about life and love. You have straightened out your speech and your b's and v's. Your favorite things are writing and music. You also love sports... and if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. You will keep trying until you get it. Now when you dress up, it's for concerts at school or a talent show event. Or maybe you are wearing your soccer uniform. Your favorite colors change from day to day. You are stubborn and feisty... but warm and loving too. You know what you want. And you see the world differently than most people your age. It amazes me how insightful you are at only age 11. We don't have as much time for just you and I - between your friends and activities and all the schedules of the day...and it has started to resonate with me that you are growing up. Really. Is it possible that this could be wonderful and painful at the same time?
It has been an honor to watch you grow from a child to an almost teenager. But I'm having a hard time with this. You won't understand until you have children of your own, just how much you mean to me. Just how much I love you. My mom used to tell me this, and I never really understood until tonight. This very night.
As I sit here and reminisce, recalling you as a young child I think I would give anything to hold you again like I did when you were small. When I hugged you goodnight tonight, I closed my eyes and imagined it was like it was long ago - and just for a minute I was there. My prayer tonight is that God will give me the knowledge to know the right things to say and the patience to help you grow further, eventually into an amazing woman. I think you are already off to a very good start.
I hope you know how truly beautiful you are inside and out. I love you.
For those of you who know what I'm talking about..
Much love,
Hi. It's me, your mom. It's late at night, and I can't sleep. I started to think about you. I started to think about all of the time we have had together so far in this life. You are 11 now. You are growing up so fast - so fast that I am starting to miss you. We have been through so many things - a main event happening when you were 2 and you were diagnosed with epilepsy. No one would know it to look at you, and it's just part of all of the things that make you my Abby.
I miss when you were little and the way you said things. You used to ask me if everything was "working". If the TV was on you would ask "is it working?" Everything from the TV to the hair band holding my pony tail, you wanted to know if it was working. You always said your v's like b's and vice versa. You would put your "glubs on the tavel"(gloves on the table) You called water, "waller." You liked to make up jokes that made no sense. Knock Knock, who's there? Snake. Snake Who? Snake in the Waller (water). You were crazy in a fun way. Tyler was your best friend. You played dress up and house, you watched Dora the Explorer. Your favorite color was red. You never cried. You learned to read very early. You wore Clifford jammies. You had ni-night, your blanket.. ok, you still have "him". We spent all day together most days.. and we have for all this time. Now times are changing.
Now you ask me about life and love. You have straightened out your speech and your b's and v's. Your favorite things are writing and music. You also love sports... and if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. You will keep trying until you get it. Now when you dress up, it's for concerts at school or a talent show event. Or maybe you are wearing your soccer uniform. Your favorite colors change from day to day. You are stubborn and feisty... but warm and loving too. You know what you want. And you see the world differently than most people your age. It amazes me how insightful you are at only age 11. We don't have as much time for just you and I - between your friends and activities and all the schedules of the day...and it has started to resonate with me that you are growing up. Really. Is it possible that this could be wonderful and painful at the same time?
It has been an honor to watch you grow from a child to an almost teenager. But I'm having a hard time with this. You won't understand until you have children of your own, just how much you mean to me. Just how much I love you. My mom used to tell me this, and I never really understood until tonight. This very night.
As I sit here and reminisce, recalling you as a young child I think I would give anything to hold you again like I did when you were small. When I hugged you goodnight tonight, I closed my eyes and imagined it was like it was long ago - and just for a minute I was there. My prayer tonight is that God will give me the knowledge to know the right things to say and the patience to help you grow further, eventually into an amazing woman. I think you are already off to a very good start.
I hope you know how truly beautiful you are inside and out. I love you.
For those of you who know what I'm talking about..
Much love,
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